Brighton, UK | Our Fifteen Minutes

Brighton, UK

Brighton, UK:  Here’s part 1 (of2) of our latest trip across the pond!  We had the most amazing and unforgettable time with everyone at L8.  We made new friends, laughed, ate beans and toast every night, danced our faces off, and explored the city. A special thanks to Sean and Jo with Starfury Events for making it happen….and of course, our lovely friends on the L Word and Lip Service.  (Kate French, Clementine Ford, Erin Daniels, Lauren Lee Smith, Laurel Holloman, Janina Gavankar, Heather Peace)

Things we learned in BRIGHTON, England:

1.  Don’t eat a dodgy cheeseburger from a chicken joint…’ll get food poisoning.  (Tracy)

2.  You can gamble and play video games in the same place!  (on the Brighton Pier)

3.  Even though it’s cold and rainy some nights, girls go out wearing close to nothing. More power to them!

4.  Heather Peace from LIP SERVICE can really, really sing!

5.  Kate French and Clementine Ford both know how to chug Guiness like pros!  I won’t tell you who won this round!

6.  Loving the style in the UK!  (Learned of the brand SUPER DRY from Japan.)

7.  “Bits, Chips, Chebs, Wanker…” Only a few of the new words in our vocabulary!

8.  The attendees from L8 really know how to have a good time!

Up next, pics from our Amsterdam leg of the trip!

18 Responses to “Brighton, UK”

  1. Oh Sweet, awesome pictures Tracy/Stamie… BTW, the girl that Tracy Is in the pics with wasn't she from the l word episode show?..Her character was ' Nikki Stevens '..If not, She definitely looks like her.

  2. cyclone says:

    looooove the pictures cant wait for the 2nd part…but… beans and toast EVERY night??????

  3. Jung-Ying says:

    OMG…I was in the attendee group photo too…can't believe!

  4. Teena says:

    great to see my tshirt made it on here with the rest of your great pictures 😀

  5. Cindy says:

    Wow, Lauren Lee Smith's surely a TALL girl. She is quite close to Tracy and I know Tracy is an amazon. At L Word, I always assumed she is at the same height as Erin Daniels. The IMDB website did show that Ms. Smith is 5'10 and Ms. Daniels is just 5'6! The pics are lovely, and I would like to thank you and other guests for the show!

  6. CJmusiclover says:

    Love, love, love the new pics. Especially seeing Erin Daniels. Thanks for showing the pics.

  7. @b4evrwld says:

    Great pics. Thanks! Tracy isn't the girl you are dancing with in The L Word? I could never forget those eyes………

  8. jacqui says:

    great picture

  9. Alana says:

    Love the pics! L8 was such an awesome weekend! Hope ya'll had a fantastic time and see you both at L10 maybe? 😀

  10. lego-lil says:

    You made the UK actually look good haha well done!!

  11. Alanna says:

    Ah – Brighton is fantastic! I went there a couple of times when I was living in London. However, I think you should both come to Madrid. It's a fantastic city. What about coming for Pride '11?!?

  12. Heidi says:

    Agapi mou
    I am flattered
    Filakia to S&K

  13. amyhughes95 says:

    you should have come to wales!! best country in the world i think;) wanker is a regular word in my vocab! LOL!!<3

  14. Elliemoore says:

    Hey was great to see you both at the L8 convention. I'd never watched the real Lword before but now i do 🙂
    I was the girl that got you to sign that bottle of corona when you all came down to dance, Soo random. But thankyou haha.
    Great pictures. I remember stamie taking one of us both, & you signing my beer bottle. Have you put pictures up elsewhere?
    I know you took alot more 🙂 xx

  15. TokenAussieAttendee says:

    And Stamie also learnt that the Australian flag is not a boxing kangaroo. 😛 With love, the lone Aussie attendee that yelled out to you guys. 🙂

  16. AnnieMx says:

    Wow Tracy and Stamie love your picts!! that one of Tracy's height on Booster is so funny lmao! How increddible to see the Gorgeous Kate French from L Word and u Tracy togheter wow so much beauty for my eyes cant almost handle it…sure u got lot of fun in UK! xoxo Hi from Mexico =) hope u can come some time!

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