OFM #14: Sheetal Sheth makes her return to our show! | Our Fifteen Minutes

OFM #14: Sheetal Sheth makes her return to our show!

Sheetal Sheth visits Tracy Ryerson and Stamie K. for the second time to discuss oh so many things…including her new Comcast series “NICE GIRLS CREW” her dreads for an episode of the web series “LIPS” and the oh so stressful election that is taking place tomorrow        NOVEMBER 6, 2012- Just in case you forget- GO OUT AND VOTE TODAY. You and your vote matters.

It’s always a pleasure to hear what is brewing in Sheetal’s mind and hear her perspective. She always has something going on and nothing can stop her. We love to interview women with a mission. Let us know your thoughts.


Sheetal’s newest projects include:  NICE GIRLS CREW, YES WE’RE OPEN (http://yeswereopenfilm.com) and NICE GIRLS CREW(http://youtu.be/Swl-iDCuliE)

The THREE VEILS dvd will be released July 31st internationally!!  See the trailer here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgj2Fl7kpZw)



Follow her at: 

Twitter:  @sheetalsheth



2 Responses to “OFM #14: Sheetal Sheth makes her return to our show!”

  1. Magali says:

    Wow, quiet some animation and passion!
    Anyway, regarding the voting system in the U.S. viewed by people outside of U.S., since you asked… I’m from France, it’s very simple: direct votes. You vote directly for the candidate, they count, the more the winner.
    But in the U.S. you vote for someone who will vote for your candidate and the candidate gets the full amount of votes (representatives) from a State even the ones not for him/her. That’s crazy. If it was direct vote, it would be a different result possibly and more reflective of people’s opinion! I don’t get it; it’s not a fare system from what I perceive…
    And… the amount of money involved into the campains is indecent and outraging knowing there are so many hungry people and economical problems. And all the behaviors are so not noble! (oh by the way this is everywhere, not only U.S 😉 ).
    Anyway, in France (and probably Europe), 80% of the people would vote Obama. We’re very social; actually, a socialist (no, not a communist!) is running our country. We are used to have social help and health care for everyone so it makes sence to us to go for Obama as he seems to care more about the people. But we are a different culture, have different history, different media, different education, different brainwashing, so it makes sence we don’t always understand each others 😉
    Right now, as for politics, I’m impressed with the Icelandic Revolution!
    Good luck with the elections …

  2. Lisa Mezta-Lopez says:

    I love it when you have Sheetal on. And on election day no less. She is so passionate when it comes to life issues..politics..women..just love to hear the fierce-ness in her voice. Great one again this time..thank you..and so happy that our President won again. Love you all..!!!


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