Donate | Our Fifteen Minutes



Thank you for supporting Our Fifteen Minutes…

Your contribution helps keep this site going.

WWW.OURFIFTEENMINUTES.COM was initially thought-up as a place where Stamie
and I could share our experiences and post-REAL L WORD thoughts with fans of
the show. Quickly, however, we realized that OUR FIFTEEN MINUTES had a larger
meaning and we decided to change the focus of the website slightly off of us and
onto YOU.

Being on a hit show on Showtime and having “our fifteen minutes” of fame has
created a new platform for us beyond all expectations. We want to use it to spread
love, awareness, advocacy, increase LGBT visibility, and most importantly – create a
safe online community where it doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight, young or old
– but where we are all treated equally. And to be perfectly blunt…to just have fun
with it! People from all over the world have watched the show and are contributing
their stories and support and we think this is yet another step towards “change.”

In order to keep this website up and running smoothly, we’ve created a DONATE
NOW button where you can contribute as much or little as you’d like. Any amount
is greatly appreciated!!  A donation button would help us
continue to expand the site and add new features.  We’d also love to eventually add
interviews, get a few people involved, and pay Maya!

Any suggestions on how to improve the site are welcome as well!!

Much Love,

Tracy (

Stamie (
