The Move | Our Fifteen Minutes

The Move

by Lauren Alexandria
(Venice, CA)

thats me sweet and innocent πŸ˜‰

Sooo once upon a time i was born… planned? No. I’m the middle in a family of dysfunction, sound familiar? Were all a bit dysfunctional so no worries were even on that level πŸ˜‰ okay so my story starts with my 4 GIANT suitcases a longboard and a one way ticket to LA. Im Lauren by the way, 18, and i packed my shit ad left the east coast miami I once called home. See i had all these plans to be just another regular kid going off to college with my mom helping me pay for school but thats not how it went down. Ready?Arizona State, my brother goes there huge baseball star yeah yeah whatever I was gonna go there too because i LOVE my brother and would want nothing more than to be close to him so i got in (anyone with a pulse can get in) and picked all my classes just to have my crazy biological mom rip it from under me and break her every promise to send me to school… honestly i should have seen it coming she’s fucking NUTS! FORTUNATELY my aunt or as i like to call her my REAL mom πŸ™‚ took me in and said i can do whatever i want as long as i can get on my own 2 feet in less than a year. Figuring out what the fuck your going to do with your life at 18 one week before graduation yeah that didn’t bring me anxiety at all.. SYKE! I was going crazy because one i couldn’t stay in florida the thought of it makes me a tad bit uneasy, two I LOVE my younger sister and i didn’t want to leave her under my psycho super detective cop mom, three WHERE DO I GO!????!?!?!?!? so my lovely aunt suggested LA and it took me about 30 minutes to walk around and say fuck it go big or go home and i had no home so big seemed to be my only option. Now I’m here. Found a great hole in the wall studio just for me right on venice beach no complaining there πŸ˜‰ and I’m slowly meeting some interesting people definitely looking out for all the idiots… girl can’t be to safe ya know? Now i landed a job at golds gym thats pretty fun meeting a lot of great people but i need to figure out what I’m going to do about school SMC most likely but i need a semester off to still get my shit together. Im not a struggling artist I’m not an aspiring actress I’m actually clueless to what i want now just because everything to me is so damn jumbled up in life… but hey i don’t regret anything and I’m having the time of my life just trying to catch my breath every once in a while…. theirs infinite possibilities and I’m not stressed about finding my way because everything falls into place so honestly whatever thats where I’m at right now haha I’m in a state of whatever. Let life do what it does and ill be alright πŸ™‚ follow me on twitter because i have 0 followers and its the nice thing to do since i just told you my epic dramatic sob story @laurenalex023

One Response to “The Move”

  1. Thought id comment says:

    Thats Not a Sob story, its more like a survivor story..The way you going about things sounds like whatever you do you will probably succeed in life right quick but i guess that will come when you decide what it is you wanna do in life. This is probably gonna sound stupid but i reckon you should try doing everything! especially the things that help you broaden creativity in the mind. Thinking Big can only get you to bigger things but some of us literally just think big things and they end up getting a chicken bucket in the moment rather than what it is they want to see and experience in life.Goodluck with everything amd remember your incharge of your life and life does not take charge of you.

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