OUR FIFTEEN MINUTES Podcast #3 with Norma Mitchell (Master Life Coach)
Download and listen to the podcast here: OFM PODCAST #3 WITH NORMA MITCHELL
Tracy Ryerson and Stamie K made it to Podcast #3 and welcome special guest, NORMA MITCHELL! Norma is a Master Life Coach and great friend. She’s one of the most knowledgable and optimistic people we know. Basically, she’s got her shit together and we’re taking notes!
We discuss the difference between loving someone and “being in love”, body language in relationships, being present during dates, favoritism, and more! You’d better bring a pen and paper with you to this one.
You can learn more about Norma Mitchell’s work on her website at www.NormaMitchell.org and on twitter @DesignForwards
Also, find out what we think about the show GIRLS, what our current guilty pleasures are, and whether we give Angelina and Brad our blessing.
…and Remember to watch our friend, comic, and future podcast guest ERIN FOLEY (@erinfoleycomic) on Conan O’Brien!!! Check it out here: Erin Foley on Conan O’Brien
Music Credits for Episode #3:
Midnight City by M83
Islands by THE XX
Where is My Mind? – Pixies cover by SUNDAY GIRL
Twitter: @TracyRyerson @StamieLA
Subscribe to our You tube channel to watch our everyday adventures
Thank you to Sophie and Rafa for helping us produce and make this happen!
Hello Y’all,
Is there any way to transfer the format or make it available to download to a BlackBerry podcast?
I love my Bold 9900 and don’t really wanna trade it in for an iPhone like every other ‘Sho out there.
Mucho Thanks!