My gf. My bff. My freedom. | Our Fifteen Minutes

My gf. My bff. My freedom.

Hey hey hey!First off I’m a huge fan of the show…my friends and I use to not make plans on Sunday nights just so we could watch you guys.
Anywho…when I was in 5th grade I started to notice that even though I had a kid boyfriend…I just wasn’t feeling the whole bf/gf thing…I started to notice that there was a girl in class who I thought was cute…everyday I asked myself “why can I not stop lookin her way?” We became friends and that was it…
Every day after 5th grade I hated myself for liking girls…I had never heard of it…that is until I got to middle school…
There I met “HER.”
My mom wanted me to do something that would help me become more social and stop being so afraid of others…so she forced me to try out for the volleyball team my school had. It wasn’t too bad. On my way to the gym for the try-outs I bumped into one of the girls I had in most of my classes…”HER.” She asked if I was goin to the try-outs and I told her yes. She introduced me to all of her friends and afterwards asked if I wanted to be her try-out partner…she seemed nice so I said ok. We both made the team and both would go to practice together. I always thought it was a little weird how she was extra nice to me and was always smiling at me and acting like a little boy when he’s got a crush on a girl. One day after practice we were the last two girls who hadn’t been picked up so we hung outside the gym waiting for our parents. Then, out of nowhere, she asked me…”Do you want to be my gf?” I wanted to pass out…I did’t know what to think or say…so I just responded with an “idk.” Everyday after that we went to our classes and practices and pretended nothing had happened…but after practices were over she would ask me if I had an answer for her yet. Everyday i would say the same thing…”idk.” One day she finally got a little more aggresive and so I said yes and thought OOOOPS!!!HHAHA!!!after that there was no gettin between us…we were together all the time. I felt scared most days and ashamed and asked her to kepp it between the two of us and our friends. They were cool about it. Unfortunatly we ended things but remained close friends. We went our own ways after middle school. I continued my experimenting with girls and got more confident as the years passed by and we kept in touch still. One day on my 19th b-day she txt me sayin she was home and wanted to take me out. She picked me up and took me to a gay club.I had been to gay clubs before, but they were totally different and I was always with my gf whom I was in a serious relationship with. After a few drinks that night and seeing a whole different side of the gay world…I realized that this girl had opened up my eyes in so many ways…not only had she been my first gf that led me to many other gfs…but she had shown me how wonderful it is to be gay and single…she introduced me to a whole new world where I met new ppl and made new friends…and now…I still replay that night she took me out because it was the night that changed my life…I am now 21 and am more comfortable with my sexuality and love myslef even more because of her =]

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