my coming out | Our Fifteen Minutes

my coming out

So straight out of elementary I knew there was something different about me. I kicked it with the boys all the time and would look at all the girls in junior high. I though it was normal to have crushes on girls. So it was just a whatever situation. Then it was the summer going into to 7th grade, I had my first kiss with a girl and it was AWESOME. There was this feeling that i got that i never had when i kissed a boy. She then became my girlfriend, but i had to hide it because i felt like i was the biggest sinner in the world and i didn’t want anyone to not like me because of me liking girls. We then broke up and it was awful. 🙁 haha. anyway so i continued dating boys because i wanted to keep my family happy and also well mainly because i just didn’t know how to tell them and i was scared they were going hate me or disown me. I come from a very religious family and before they knew i was gay, they always talked all this religious stuff about gays and lesbians and bisexuals. So that really was what stopped me from telling them. it was in high school when i had my very first SERIOUS girlfriend. I hid her for a veryyy long time and it came to the point where she was like i can’t do this whole hiding situation, i love you very much but i don’t like to have to hide my feelings for you when i am around people. i was devastated when she gave me an ultimatum. For me it was NOW or NEVER. I first came out to my sister because i knew she could understand me the most.. She was completely cool about it. Then my mom.. she was completely cool about it. and so i came out to my brother.. he Kinda had a hard time at first because i am the baby and they are very protective of me.. but then he became cool with it. and then so on and so on. i just came out to my whole family. and surprisingly they were all fine with it. So for many of years, I hid the real me and hurt myself doing so because i was scared of what they were going to say when really, i could’ve told them from the beginning and went on with my HAPPY life. ha! and that’s my coming out story. btw: my family no longer preaches about gays and lesbians and bisexuals! they are all about the rainbow now.. hahaha 🙂 i love tracy and stamie!

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  1. Lara says:


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