It’s a crazy life | Our Fifteen Minutes

It’s a crazy life


Where should I even try to begin. I guess the beginning is a good place. First off the show is fabulous. Ilene picked the best woman. Hoping for a season 2. It’s nice to see “real” lesbians living their life. 🙂 It’s not always easy living life as a lesbian. I didn’t come out until after high school. I knew I was gay way before that but coming out in high school would have been social suicide. Right after high school I moved out on my own. I moved in with 4 other girls non of which were gay. I had been friends with these girl forever but wasn’t comfortable coming out.

One girl I lived with I had been crushin on for many years. From the moment I saw her I wanted to be with her. One night after drinking illegally we ended up kissing and from that point on we were inseparable. She was stunning. People would stop and stare at her because she was so pretty. I couldn’t believe I was actually with her. After 2 years we talked about having kids. We wanted 4 and we would each carry 2. She was hispanic so when I carried I would have an hispanic donor and when she carried she would have a white donor. We decided I would carry first. I became pregnant very quickly. I was 22 at the time and when reality actually set in I freaked out a bit. She assured me everything would be awesome and 9 months later I gave birth to a baby boy. Talk about a life changing experience. We as a couple became so much closer and life was perfect. Then everything changed…

We decided to go to a concert New Years Eve in 1999 to ring in Y2K. The concert was great and we rang in the New Year happy as ever. The next morning I was craving a breakfast burrito from one of those 24hr burrito places and asked my baby if she would go get some. She was going to bring our son with her but he was super cranky so he stayed with me. Time was passing and she was not back and the burrito place was down the street. After 2 or so hours and really worrying I received a call that she was involved in a car accident. She had been jack knifed on the highway by a semi. She did not survive. Life crumbled from under me. My soulmate was gone and I blamed myself for many years. My family did not agree with my lifestyle so I had no support from them. I went into a depressing for several years.

To make a long story short after time I was able to move on and find happiness again. I realized the class was half full and not half empty and wanted to honor my girl so I decided to work with teenagers struggling with their sexuality. My motto is to Live Each Day and Be Glad for every moment because tomorrow my not come. I recently was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Have been treating it and then was laid off from my job so I have stopped treatment. Not sure what the future holds except I will treasure each day and live it up to the fullest.

I love to laugh and make people laugh and I love to meet people to I will continue to do so and hope a job w/benefits comes up. I am working on completing my bucket list and hopefully sometime soon I can come out to LA and catch a Stamie Comedy show and meet ya’ll since you all kick ass and party it up with ya’ll too. 🙂



Jenn’s son Andrew

5 Responses to “It’s a crazy life”

  1. @badmaddy says:

    wow. your story is extraordinary. you are obviously an incredibly strong person who has faced many challenges but can still keep a positive outlook on life, which is one of the most inspiring things out there. i can only hope to have a tenth of the courage and strength that you have. may only good things come your way from now on.

  2. @3LiizS says:

    Your are such a strong person, and the way you see life is extraordinary .we should all learn from you and see life differently.

  3. Angelle1986 says:

    dear Jenn…im 24 and in my family we have a history of cancer and specifically my dad had Hodgkins and I am worried that I might have it in the future so I can only wonder how you feel but I live my life at almost my fullest because I am only out to some people where I feel like a hypocrite for not telling others. Thank you for your story!!!

  4. Jodi says:

    Hey Jenn

    Was great reading your 15minutes, you are a very strong woman, my thoughts and best wishes go out to you. How many cycles did you have for NHL? I have just finished my treatment for NHL Follicular. Hope you can find employment again with benefits so that you can continue your treatment.

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