Hola! | Our Fifteen Minutes


by Jen (jjmk13891@aol.com)


Hey! I love you guys… really an inspiration for me. I’m a closeted 20 year old and it’s very hard, so watching the show really makes me happy. Just to see so much positivity on the show and your (amazing) way of life allows me to feel a bit free for once. I would like to come out, but family events have been the forefront of my mind and my sexuality has really been put on the back burner for the past few years. My mom passed away last year from cancer and it’s really tough to even think about coming out knowing that it would hurt her and knowing that she never had the chance to know an important fact about me. When I was 18, she told me, “I would like to see you get married someday.” That’s stopping me. Reactions, attention, and gossip amongst family members is also what is stopping me. I just don’t think it’s worth it for me at this time of my life… yet. Simply not ready. I’m not even sure if I’m ready or stable enough for a relationship yet. Sure, everyone can use somebody; but I can wait.

Just this weekend I was in New York and I had just gotten off the F train at the East Broadway stop. I was walking up the stairs to get on the street and there it was; an advertisement of The Real L Word. Wish I had taken a picture but I was in a rush meeting a friend. I did take the time to pause and look at it though. Pretty cool though… you guys have got your faces (and half naked bodies, lol) plastered on the subway exits on the street.

Other than that, I’m just a typical girl from Central New York. I live in the suburbs and I’m adjusting to life.

Keep on keepin’ on!

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