Heterosexual, No. Bisexual, no. Lesbian YES | Our Fifteen Minutes

Heterosexual, No. Bisexual, no. Lesbian YES

When I was a teenager I had crushes on boys. But it never grew into something more than a crush.

When I was 23 I was working on Mallorca, I’m from Holland btw, I fell in love for the first time, had my first experience with a girl who lives in Ireland. When I went back home I told one of my sisters about it… And she asked are you gay then.. And I said no I’m not I’m probably bi. (didn’t have the courage to investigate my feelings). I also told my best male friend and kind of boyfriend at that time. He hugged me and said: We will achieve many beautifull things and we’ll see how our relationship goes.

A few years later, me and my best male friend, we were kind of dating (again), went to a gayclub in a town nearby and then I met HER :).
Two weeks later I broke up with him for as far there was a relationship, but I wanted a fresh start if she wanted me. ’cause me and her were emailing and talking on the phone each day and I fell in love just like that.
And a couple of days after the break up with my bf, I went to an lgbt party in her town and I was supposted to spend the night in the guest room and leave the next day, but we fell completely in love…… I went home a few days later.

And now we’re 7 years down the line, we have a beautiful son of almost 1.5 yrs old. And we got married while I was pregnant. In Holland gaymarriage is legal for many years now.

I wish everyone, gay or straight the right to marry or to make a commitment to who ever you love.

And my story is a beautiful one, my parents accepted me and my lifestyle completely, my sisters and brothers in law are amazing. They love my wife almost as much as they love me 🙂 And our son has an awsome family who love him so very much.
And I realize that not everyone is that lucky. I even got irritated by Tracy’s mum. I was sitting in front of the laptop and telling her to love her daughter no matter what. And I wanna say that I think Tracy has a lot of patience, I wouldn’t have been that patience. But I’m glad it worked out and thank you and Stamie for a very nice show. I think you were the nicest couple. (no drama 😉 and humor and the cutest children 😉

Greetings from Holland, Karin

2 Responses to “Heterosexual, No. Bisexual, no. Lesbian YES”

  1. Krista Jennings says:

    absolutely beautiful story. i hope i have a happy ending just like yours. much love.

  2. Amanda Ayers says:

    Great story:) Keep happy and in love, my wife and I are planning on children as well. I'm glad for you that your family accepted you right away. Take care ladies:)

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