Emily- Vancouver, BC, Canada | Our Fifteen Minutes

Emily- Vancouver, BC, Canada

Over the past 4 months my life has taken a drastic change, some parts for the better, some parts for the worse…

I fell in love for the first time, with another woman, so I also came out to my parents and closest friend. It was great, I have two supportive parents, who love me no matter what, and my friend, well things could not have been better. So my girlfriend and I dated for about 2 months, so things were not super serious, but I was in love with her, and for the first time it felt as though my life was filled to the brim with all the happiness I could handle. What more could I want, right?

Well, flash forward 2 months, I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me, with another woman, so we broke up, more like I broke up with her. So as I slowly get over her, and I mean slowly, my best friend became more distant as time went on, we would still see each other, but it would be like once maybe twice a week, if she wasn’t working.

Flash forward another 2 weeks, my best friend is no longer talking to me, I have called her, texted her, emailed her, I have tried to contact her in every way possible, but with no results what so ever. So now, I am empty. In 2 and a half months I went from being totally completely in love, and having the best support system around, to having no one except my parents, and it SUCKS! (as there are somethings, you don’t want to share with your mom or dad.

I have also gained about 15-20 pounds since the break up, I am depressed, and cannot find reason to be happy about anything. If I did not have to work, I would stay in bed all day, and think about how great my life was.

People keep telling me to focus on the positive things in life, like, I have just applied to school, and have been accepted, so that is super exciting, and time for a fresh start. But that is not till next year Jan. of 2011, so I still have another 4 months to get through before I can have that fresh start…

I started watching the real L word, and fell in love with the whole show, and while watching Tracy and Stamie’s relationship grow, I gained inspiration, and realized, that I am super lucky to have the support of both my parents, and friends can come and go, but you only have one family!

So Tracy and Stamie, thanks to you both! Don’t think I could have got through it with out you 🙂

Emily- Vancouver, BC, Canada

Thanks for reading 🙂

One Response to “Emily- Vancouver, BC, Canada”

  1. Our15Minutes says:

    Stay strong, Emily! Just remember that you have a "family" in all of us as well. You don't know how lucky you are to have the support from your parents…..the rest will fall into place. 4 months will fly by and then you'll be in school. Don't put too much pressure on yourself right now. And also know that you'll fall in love a few times in your life…..each time a little deeper.
    Thanks again for sharing your story, Emily!!!
    xx T.Rye

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